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Club notes April 24


Daughters of Isabella

The Daughters of Isabella met April 12 at the Knights of Columbus Hall. Chancellor Shirley Harms led the rosary before the meeting. Regent Theresa Rider called the meeting to order.  The members sang the Opening Ode together followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Mary Bahner shared a note from Olivia Borgmeyer. Theresa Rider shared information about the Convention on Sept. 17 and 18 in St. Patrick, and the Birthright Newsletter. Linda Hoffmann asked for volunteers to sign up to help with the COVID vaccinations. 

The Bakeless Bake Sale is back. Please send your donation to Ann Dove at 32228 Meyers Rd., Green Ridge, Mo. 65332. Jean Gallagher told us about the Saturday, July 17 “Give ‘Em Hell, Harry,” a theatrical presentation at the Capital City Production Theater in Jefferson City. We will do talks from the pulpit on April 24 and 25. Call her at 660-827-1098 if you can help with the 4 p.m. Saturday mass. 

We are still awaiting news from the Diocese of Jefferson City for the St. Vincent de Paul Parish picnic and the St. John’s Chapel Ice Cream Social. Regent Theresa Rider announced there would be no food at any of our meetings until 2022. There was discussion, but no motion was made.

Bonnie Diefendorf encouraged us all to email our Missouri senators that thank them for voting against the ERA Amendment and the Equality Act. Both acts promote the woman’s right to choose as well as expanding transgender rights. It is easy to contact both Missouri senators.  Just do a search of the senators’ names and their contact information automatically comes up.  More legislation can be found at www.missourilife.org/current_state_legislation.

Diefendorf also has a copy of the Roe v. Wade movie. Mary Bahner suggested that we view the movie at St. John’s Community Center because they have a big television there. 

Next Community Café is Tuesday, May 4. Watch for Mary Jo’s emails. 

Mary Bahner moved that we continue to have masses said for the living and deceased members of the Daughters of Isabella with Father Tom Brenberger. This was seconded by Linda Hoffmann and passed. 

Some of the members expressed safety concerns about the Mercy Rest Stop and suggested that the members invite Bill Turner to talk about the project.

The Coin Club meets on May 15. Joyce Grinstead will get the supplies for the sandwiches, the fruit, chips, and water. Josephine Heimsoth and Connie Thompson will make cookies. Susan Sanderson will be in charge of this event. We will finalize plans on May 10.

The obligation was said followed by a recitation of the closing prayer and closing ode. The flag was retired with refreshments following. Our next meeting will be May 10.

Minutes were submitted by Recording Secretary Mary Bahner.

Bothwell Regional Health Center Auxiliary Board

The Bothwell Regional Health Center Auxiliary Board met April 14 with 13 members present.  President Karen Kay Taylor called the meeting to order. The minutes were read and approved and the treasurer’s report was also read and approved.

The total volunteer hours worked for the month of March were 856 hours. During this time Sarah Lyles received recognition for volunteering a total of 4,500 hours and Jackie Butler had a total of 800 hours. The Amazing Volunteer for the month of March was Jim Monroe. Monroe joined the Auxiliary in 2009. He also volunteers for the Red Cross, Concern Desk and is also one of the Hospital Chaplains. The members thank you for a job well done.

The Auxiliary is not having the annual ice cream social this year. Instead, it is having a having a Bakeless Sale. Each member is asked to donate the amount of money they would have spent to prepare the items they would have made for the ice cream social. This Bakeless Sale will start June 1 to July 1.

The Auxiliary is pleased to announce effective May 1, Red Cross volunteers are merging with Auxiliary volunteers. There will be approximately 28 new members joining the auxiliary. They will be identified as the Front Desk Auxiliary Members. Frieda Ingram and Carlene Ficken, co-chairpersons for the Red Cross, also attended the meeting.  

The Auxiliary Gift Shop reopened March 1. The hours of operation are 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday and from 1 to 5 p.m. on Saturday. Sunday hours are 10 a.m to 2 p.m. Those interested in becoming an Auxiliary volunteer, please call Sara at 660-827-0343.

The next Auxiliary Board meeting is scheduled for May 12.

Grow and Glow Garden Club

The Grow and Glow Garden Club met at the Tipton Methodist Church fellowship hall Tuesday afternoon, April 20. Twelve members and two guests, Janet Pollock and Rosie Pace, enjoyed the program “Water Garden Glory,” presented by Lois Weber. She is a Master Gardener and former member of the Water Garden Society of Kansas City for 20 years. Weber has maintained a water garden for over 22 years and currently maintains a 3,000-gallon water feature with a waterfall. She led the group in exploring placement, water plants, water life, and setup and maintenance of garden features to enhance the gardening experience. 

Refreshments were served by hostesses Cynthia Brodersen and Linda Dahl. The serving area was welcoming with a colorful grouping of vases of spring blooms from their gardens. Dessert of Lemon Spring Delight Cake, Cherries on a Cloud, coffee and tea was enjoyed. The table covers were a mixture of pastel spring shades accented with vases of lilacs.

Barbara Harrison conducted the business meeting. The Roll Call, “Do you or will you have a water garden?” was answered by the members and guests. Harrison told of progress on the project, “Teaching Missouri’s Children to Plant America,” which is in conjunction with Price James Memorial Library. Harrison found that a project to grow pumpkins would be helpful this summer. She will apply for a grant to fund the cost of bedding plants, seeds, refreshments, and two books, “The Frightened Frog,” and “The Saved Seed,” gardening books for children, to give to the library. Children in 3 to 5, and 6 to 12 age groups will be eligible to participate in this activity to help the community.  

A report was given regarding the 2020-21 Garden Club Poetry Contest’s State, Regional, and National results that will be presented in the near future. Appreciation was expressed to JoAnn Collier for her efforts to help make the program a success.

Eleven members signed up to go to Comanche Acres Iris Gardens in Weston, May 18 for the annual Educational Overnight Trip. 

An update on the landscaping at the Versailles Blue Star Memorial was given by Nancy Byars.

The workers who helped at the Tipton Roadside Park spring cleaning were thanked. Harrison reported that shrubs around the Blue Star Memorial may be needing replacement due to size.  The Grow and Glow Annual Plant, Rummage, and Bake Sale will be June 4 at the Roadside Park. 

Dahl collected money for a variety of Milkweed seeds for sale by Friends of the Monarchs. The group was thanked for donations made to the Versailles Food Pantry. An exchange of houseplants was held. 

Verna Koechner will provide the May Price James Memorial Library arrangement.

Those interested in becoming a member of the Grow and Glow Garden Club may call 660 433 2366 for more information.  

Dresden 4-H Club

The Dresden 4-H Club held a meeting on Sunday, April 18, at La Monte United Methodist Church. The meeting was called to order by Reagan Sneed, president, at 5 p.m. with seven members, four guests, and two leaders present.

American and 4-H pledges were led by Samuel Dehan and Rhett Sneed.

Membership roll call was “Which would you rather do? Go to a rodeo or bake cookies and why?”

Sharon Bruner read a letter from the La Monte Food Pantry thanking the club for the food that was gathered and donated.

Members discussed the upcoming field trip to the Sedalia Animal Shelter on Saturday, May 1. Members are to meet at the shelter from 1 to 3 p.m. and bring supplies to donate to the shelter. For this month’s service project, pop tabs were collected for the Ronald McDonald House.

Project Reports: Reagan Sneed talked about walking her show cattle and helping to get bulls up with her grandpa. Rhett Sneed also has been working with his animals and said one of the heifers that his mother had been leading got away and they needed to work with her more. Eli Dehan attended the MCCA Battle of the Breeds Show and took his heifer Peanut. This was her first show. She did well the first time he took her into the show ring, but she wouldn’t stand still the next time. He is going to work with someone moving around behind her so she will get used to people being on all sides. Laney Pace talked about her experience with her horse on reining and spinning at a one-on-one clinic. Laney Pace and Tinlee Jones talked about going to Mary Holsten’s place for their horsemanship meeting. Philp Jones said Laney was giving him lessons on how to ride his horse. Their horse is going to have a baby soon. Samuel continues to work with his dog Bella.

Sharon Bruner presented awards from 2020 to the club and individual members.

• Dresden 4-H Club placed second in Window Displays, received the Service to Communities Recognition Award, and received the Bronze 4-H Club Seal.

• Samuel Dehan received a certificate for completing his dog project and a pin for Clover Kid II.

• Eli Dehan received a certificate for his Charolais steer showing at the Missouri State Fair.

• Reagan Sneed received a certificate for her Hereford heifer showing at the Missouri State Fair.

• Eli Dehan received certificates for his project report on Beef I and attending Virtual 4-H Camp. For completing the Missouri Recognition Level 1 Form, which was then selected from Pettis County to go to the regional level, Eli received a $25 voucher to be used for a 4-H event. Eli received a plaque for being selected as Pettis County 4-H Distinguished Junior 2020.

Eli Dehan did a demonstration on different cuts of beef and where they are found on the animal. Samuel Dehan did a demonstration on “How to Grow a Rainbow” and “How to Make a Catapult out of Popsicles.”

Jennifer Sneed led a program on “How to take Pictures to get Better Results.”

The next meeting will be at 1 p.m. May 1 at the Sedalia Animal Shelter. The club does not have meetings in June, July, and August as 4-H’ers will be attending different 4-H events and project meetings, so the following meeting will be Sept. 19.

Minutes were respectfully submitted by Austin Wood, Dresden 4-H club reporter.