Visitors to the Warrensburg Community Center, 445 E. Gay St., can enjoy viewing holiday-themed art by local artist and Mid-Missouri Artists member Tara Dunbar. Her display will be available through December.
Dunbar describes herself as an abstract surrealist. Some of her art can be viewed at She has other work on display at the Jones Gallery in the Kansas City Crossroads area and in an exhibit by the KC Artists Coalition.
Several Mid-Missouri Artists members have work included in the annual Call To Nature’s Art exhibition at the Runge Conservation Center in Jefferson City scheduled through December. Visitors can view works from 50 invited artists, including MMA members Gary Cadwallader, Linda Hoover, Jo Narron, Jerry Ricker, Duane Limback, and Rebecca Limback. Other area artists included include Matthew Zupnick, John Wolf, Glenda Miller, and Matthew Kurz.
Warrensburg art educators will display work in the Warrensburg Community Center beginning Jan. 4.
KDRO radio in Sedalia will air the Liberty Center's radio play production of Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" this weekend. The play was presented and recorded live Saturday, Dec. 16 and will be aired at 6 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 23 and again on Sunday, Dec. 24.