Windsor livestock auction market report for April 14
Receipts, 2,042 HD; 10% cows. Compared to last week, steers and heifers sold mostly $4 to $8 lower. Slaughter cows and bulls sold mostly $2 to $4 lower.
Steers medium and large frame, 300 to 400 pounds, $180 to $216; 400 to 500 pounds, $168 to $196; 500 to 600 pounds, $150 to $181.50; 600 to 700 pounds, $138 to $162; 700 to 800 pounds, $131 to $153; 800 to 900 pounds, $124 to $138.50.
Small frame or fleshy steers and bulls, 400 to 700 pounds, $120 to $164.
Heifers medium and large frame No. 1, 300 to 400 pounds, $148 to $173; 400 to 500 pounds, $138 to $161; 500 to 600 pounds, $133 to $154.50; 600 to 700 pounds, $124 to $147.50; 700 to 800 pounds, $110 to $141; 800 to 900 pounds, $108 ot $133.50.
Small frame or fleshy heifers, 400 to 700 pounds, $110 to $140.
Weigh cows bulk, $60 to $66; high dressing, $70 to $76.50; low dressing, $54 back; bulls bulk, $87 to $105.50.