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Livestock market reports March 2


Windsor livestock auction market report for Feb. 24

Receipts, 2,573 HD; 6% cows. Compared to the last sale three weeks ago, steers sold mostly $4 to $8 higher with heifers selling mostly $2 to $4 higher. Slaughter cows sold $2 to $4 higher; slaughter bulls sold $2 to $6 higher.

Steers medium and large frame. 300 to 400 pounds, $161 to $189.25; 400 to 500 pounds, $150 to $184; 500 to 600 pounds, $140 to $182; 600 to 700 pounds, $133 to $160.50; 700 to 800 pounds, $125 to $152.50; 800 to 900 pounds, $118 to $139.50.

Small frame of fleshy steers and bulls, 400 to 700pounds, $110 to $161. 

Heifers medium and large frame No. 1, 300 to 400 pounds, $140 to $168; 400 to 500 pounds, $138 ot $160.50; 500 to 600 pounds, $124 to $159.50; 600 to 700 pounds, $115 to $140.50; 700 to 800 pounds, $105 to $137.50; 800 to 900 pounds, $95 to $129.

Small frame or fleshy heifers, 400 to 700 pounds, $93 to $138.

Weigh cows bulk, $57 to $64; high dressing, $63 to $70.50; low dressing, $48 back; bulls bulk, $90 to $107.50.