12:50 p.m.: Kyle G. Lindgren, 29, of Sedalia was arrested after police officers, Pettis County deputies, ambulance and Sedalia fire department personnel were dispatched to the 100 block of Autumn Avenue in reference to a medical emergency. It was determined there was no medical emergency. Lindgren began threatening law enforcement and made advances towards them. He was arrested and transported to the Bothwell Regional Health Center for observation. Charges are being referred to the State prosecutor for fourth-degree assault, resisting arrest and misusing 911.
3:43 p.m.: Shannon Wayne Cramer, 21, of Warsaw was arrested after an officer was dispatched to East Third Street and South Engineer Avenue for a report of a domestic disturbance. The victim said her ex-boyfriend assaulted her and damaged her phone. Contact was made with the suspect who ended up running from the police. After a short foot-pursuit the suspect was arrested, transported to the Pettis County Jail and placed on a 24-hour hold for fourth-degree domestic assault, first-degree property damage and resisting arrest.
4:24 p.m.: Fabian Munoz, 23, of Sedalia was arrested after a traffic stop at the intersection of 16th Street and Vermont Avenue on a vehicle with expired registration. Munoz had no driver's license and was transported to the Sedalia Police Department and released with two citations.
11:22 a.m.: Thaddeus Walter Nevels, 38, of Sedalia was arrested after officers were dispatched to the 1300 block of South Limit Avenue for a peace disturbance. Nevels was identified, transported to the Pettis County Jail and released to a family member with a charge of private peace disturbance.
12:45 a.m.: Abraham Quetzecua Marcos, 27, was arrested after a traffic stop at the intersection of West Fourth Street and South Missouri Avenue. He had no valid driver's license and was arrested and released on scene with a summons. A passenger was found to have two active warrants for failure to appear and was transported to the Pettis County Jail.
4:53 a.m.: An officer was dispatched to the 600 block of East 10th Street in reference to a stolen vehicle. The victim said his 2020 Chevrolet Silverado was stolen overnight. The truck is valued at $28,419. No arrests have been made at this time.
3:21 p.m.: Officers were called out to Chances Sports Bar and Grill, 303 South Lamine Ave, for a report of fraud. The reporting party stated he was out of town and looked at his bank account and he saw his card was charged at Chance’s.
3:48 p.m.: Officers were called out to Menards for a theft report. They stated that two individuals came into the store and the male grabbed two knives, went to the bathroom, concealed them and then left the store.
1:12 p.m.: An officer was dispatched to a fraud report in the 1400 block of West 11th Street. The victim stated she was given fraudulent checks as part of an employment opportunity.
2:46 p.m.: An officer was dispatched to Menards, 4400 Wisconsin Ave, in reference to a theft report. The employee said two subjects came into the store, selected approximately $225 worth of goods and left the store without paying.
3:09 p.m.: Officers responded to a disturbance in the 300 block of East Jefferson Street. The reporting party stated they were driving on Boonville Street when another vehicle came up behind them and tried running them off the road.
6:59 p.m.: An officer was dispatched to Casey's, 1601 East Broadway Blvd, in reference to found drugs. A bag of what appeared to be methamphetamine was located on the floor. The substance was placed into evidence for destruction.
6:00 a.m.: Deputies were dispatched to the 24700 block of Smasall Road in Pettis County for a disturbance. A disturbance between a male and female in the residence had occurred and during the course of the altercation the man fled in his pickup truck after intentionally backing into another vehicle in the driveway. The suspect left the scene prior to law enforcement's arrival.
7:00 p.m.: A caller in the 3100 block of Hwy U reported someone damaged her 30 amp cord to her camper.
9:44 p.m.: Michael S. Nichols, 45, of Warsaw was arrested in Benton County for forgery - felony, misdemeanor driving while suspended or revoked, misdemeanor no financial proof, and misdemeanor displaying the place of another. He was transported to the Benton County Jail and released.
10:41 p.m.: Samuel Sammy, 26, of Sedalia was arrested in Pettis County for driving while intoxicated. He was released
2:44 a.m.: Brian E. Jones, 47, of Knob Noster was arrested in Johnson County for driving while intoxicated and failure to equip a motor vehicle with a rear license plate lamp. He was transported to the Warrensburg Police Department and released.
Compiled by Chris Howell