1:38 a.m.: Joseph Elmer Fore, 41, of the 500 block of East Fourth Street was arrested after being observed in a vehicle at East Broadway Boulevard and South Engineer Avenue with no tail lights and no reflector. He was intoxicated and arrested on a charge of DWI - prior offender.
2:35 a.m.: Robert D. Steele, 25, of the 400 block of East Seventh Street was arrested after a vehicle stop for driving 15 miles per hour under the speed limit and failing to maintain a lane. Steele was high on drugs and arrested for DWI. He was processed and released at the Pettis County Jail with charges of DWI drug and operating a motor vehicle without a valid driver's license.
12:23 p.m.: Virgil Andrew Edgar Sr, 51, of the 400 block of North Grand Avenue was arrested after a passing motor called police to report a male subject exposing himself and urinating on himself while laying on the ground near East Third Street and South Washington Avenue. Officers found the subject still laying on the ground in a pool of urine. Statements were collected and Edgar was transported to the Pettis County Jail pending a charge of first degree sexual misconduct.
6:45 p.m.: Santiago Cucul Choc, 29, of the 4200 block of West Main Street was arrested after officers observed a vehicle disobey a stop sign at the intersection of East 16th Street and South Ingram Avenue. The driver had no operating status and was transported to the Pettis County Jail and charged with operating a motor vehicle without a valid license and disobeying a stop sign.
10:19 p.m.: Dalton Wright, 31, of the 300 block of West Fourth Street was arrested after an officer on patrol found two subjects fighting on the sidewalk. Wright was arrested and transported to the Pettis County Jail and placed on a 24-hour hold pending a formal charge of third degree domestic assault.
11:43 p.m.: Raniese Lavon McKizzie, 26, of the 700 block of East South Kentucky Avenue was arrested after being stopped for speeding at West Sixth Street at South Grand Avenue. She was intoxicated by drugs and charged with DWI drugs. A passenger Laria Shanice McKizzie, 23, was charged with drug possession - psilocybin. They were placed on 24-hour holds at the Pettis County Jail.
3:15 a.m.: Alexander Luis Astrocaza, 28, of the 300 block of West 24th Street was arrested after being observed passed-out inside a running vehicle near West 24th Street in South Kentucky Avenue. Police observed potential drug paraphernalia in plain view on the subject's lap and which tested positive for Fentanyl. A crushed pill also tested positive for Fentanyl and Astrocaza had a bag of what was believed to be the psilocybin. With the assistance of the Pettis County Sheriff's Office the subject was detained and deported to the Pettis County Jail and placed on a 24-hour old pending charges of second-degree drug trafficking and two counts of possession of a controlled substance.
8:23 p.m.: Alicia Lynn Ulmer, 44, of the 400 block of North Grand Avenue was arrested after officers responded to a domestic disturbance. After contact was made with all parties Ulmer was transported to the Pettis County Jail and placed on a 24-hour hold pending charges of third degree domestic assault.
2:25 a.m.: Michael T. Norman, 44, of the 800 block of East 12th Street was arrested after officers observed a motorcycle traveling at a high rate of speed east on West 16th Street. After a traffic stop, Norman was released roadside with citations for no tail lights, failure to register a motor vehicle and operating without a valid driver's license.
3:30 p.m.: An officer took a report over the phone regarding a boat stolen from the 1400 block of South Carr Avenue. He gathered information for a report,
12:15 p.m.: An officer responded to Buffalo Bins, 3040 West Broadway Boulevard, in reference to a theft.
1:05 p.m.: Officers were dispatched to the lobby of the police department regarding a theft that occurred in the Shell gas station, 1722 West Broadway Blvd. They collected a statement from management and video footage of the event.
1:56 p.m.: Officers responded to Menards, 4400 Wisconsin Ave, in reference to a theft. A subject was reported to have stolen $6.58 worth of merchandise from the store. The subject has not been identified. Another unidentified suspect reportedly stole $18.97 worth of merchandise from the store.
8:53 a.m.: A male subject contacted the police department from the 300 block of Scott Joplin Court to report his medications had been lost or thrown out. He requested the report so medical providers could refill the prescription.
8:16 a.m.: Officers were dispatched to the 900 block of West 10th Street in reference to a burglary in progress. They located an open door to a shed which was searched but no subjects were located. Additional information was gathered for a report.
1:00 p.m.: Officers were dispatched to the lobby of the police department in reference to pound property. They collected property found in the 1200 Block of South Ohio Avenue and placed it into the property room for safekeeping.
3:47 p.m.: Officers were dispatched to the police department lobby for a theft report. They gathered information from the victim for a report.
4:44 a.m.: Dawn Honer was arrested after Pettis County deputies conducted a traffic stop near West Broadway Boulevard and Industrial Avenue for expired registration. Honer had no operator's license and was found to be in possession of a controlled substance. Charges of second degree drug trafficking, two counts of possession of a controlled substance and operating a motor vehicle without a valid license are being forwarded to the Pettis County prosecutor's office.
Midnight: Pettis County deputies were contacted about an iPhone stolen from the restroom at Tyson Foods, 19571 Whitfield Road in Pettis County.
11:10 p.m.: Deputies were dispatched to the 2800 block of Westlake Drive in Pettis County regarding a runaway juvenile.
12:49 p.m.: Ryan J. Kulju, 20, of Clinton was arrested in Pettis County for driving while intoxicated and excessive tint. He was transported to the Pettis County Jail and released.
11:18 p.m.: Trinity M. Scribner, 20, of Sedalia was arrested in Pettis County for felony drug trafficking. She was transported to the Pettis County Jail and released.
9:20 a.m.: Nicole M. Seward, 32, of Clinton was arrested in Henry County for a Clinton Police Department warrant and driving while suspended. She was transported to the Henry County Jail.
2:25 a.m.: Dawson M. Ford, 25, of Holden was arrested in Johnson County for driving while intoxicated and failure to drive on the right half of the roadway. He was transported to Warrensburg and released.
Compiled by Chris Howell