This list is a sampling of crime in Sedalia and the surrounding area. Information is taken from official police reports, which do not necessarily contain statements from all parties involved in each case.
Sedalia Police Department
Oct. 31
3 p.m.: Lydia Tenisee Antweiler, 27, of Sedalia, was arrested after an officer spoke with the security officer at a business in the 300 block of South Limit Avenue regarding a theft. The complainant said a female stole a parking sign from the lot and walked from the area with it. While on patrol near Third Street and Missouri Avenue, the officer saw Antweiler carrying the sign. She admitted to the theft but offered no reasons why. The sign was recovered and she was issued a municipal summons for stealing.
5:20 p.m.: Tristen MU Smith, 22, of the 300 block of McAnally Court, was arrested after officers received a call in reference to destruction of property. Upon arrival, the suspect stated he and a female got into a verbal argument and he “gingerly” pushed on the door to try to talk to her when she shut it. Officers talked to the female and looked at the door. The bottom hinge lost its screws, the strike plate was damaged, and the door jamb was split. Smith was released with a summons for destruction of non-City property.
Oct. 31
8:24 p.m.: Officers were dispatched to an accident that occurred on the property of a business in the 100 block of East 16th Street. A driver left after causing property damage to the building. The suspect was identified but has not been located at this time.
Nov. 1
9:01 a.m.: An officer responded to the 800 block of East 16th Street in reference to a disturbance. The victim said someone known to him came inside the residence and assaulted him with a hammer. The suspect fled the scene prior to the police’s arrival.
11:08 a.m.: A mail carrier found a small baggie of drugs while on their mail route in the area of West 12th Street and South Park Avenue. The drugs were taken to the police department and entered into evidence for destruction.
3:03 p.m.: An officer spoke with a caller who wished to report checks had been stolen from them. There are no suspects.
4:04 p.m.: An officer responded to a business in the 700 block of East Broadway Boulevard regarding an assault. The victim stated he was at a friend’s residence when a subject assaulted him by slapping him twice. At the time of the report, the suspect has not been contacted.
6:15 p.m.: Officers responded to a business in the 700 block of West 16th Street in reference to a stolen vehicle. The victim stated his car was stolen while he was inside the store. No suspect has been identified.
Pettis County Sheriff's Office
Nov. 1
8:17 a.m.: Deputies with the Pettis County Sheriff's Office were dispatched to a business in the 22000 block of highway 65 for a forgery report. The owners of the business advised deputies that someone had forged business checks and sent them throughout different states to numerous people. The investigation continues.
Missouri State Highway Patrol
Nov. 1
7:45 p.m.: Kenneth M. Postawko, 58, of Stover, was arrested in Morgan County for driving while intoxicated - prior offender, driving while suspended, and failure to drive on the right half of the roadway. He was transported to the Morgan County Jail.