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2024 Municipal Election

Filing closes for April 8 Municipal Election


Filing concluded Tuesday, Dec. 31 for the April 8 Municipal Election in Pettis County. 

Below is filing information that has been submitted to the Democrat as of 5 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 2. 

Municipalities and districts who have not emailed information can submit it to news@sedaliademocrat.com. 

City of Sedalia - First Ward

The City of Sedalia has one position open for City Councilperson, First Ward. This is a two-year term.

Tom Oldham refiled for the Ward 1 position and faces opposition from Albert Reine, Jr.

City of Sedalia - Second Ward

The City of Sedalia has one position open for City Councilperson, Second Ward. This is a two-year term.

Michelle Abney and Lee R. Scribner filed. 

City of Sedalia - Third Ward

The City of Sedalia has one position open for City Councilperson, Third Ward. This is a two-year term.

Bob Cross refiled for the Ward 3 position and faces opposition from David Covington.

City of Sedalia - Fourth Ward

The City of Sedalia has one position open for City Councilperson, Fourth Ward. This is a two-year term.

Michelle Franklin has filed and faces opposition from Harry C. Hoffert III. 

Sedalia School District #200

The City of Sedalia has two positions open for its Board of Education. Terms are three years.

Incumbents Diana Nichols and Barbara Jean Schrader refiled. Kyle Yarber also filed. 

City of La Monte

The City of La Monte is accepting filings for two-year terms for Alderperson Ward I and Alderperson Ward II.

A one-year term is also open for Alderperson Ward I.

As of Wednesday, Dec. 11, incumbent Terry Drum has filed for the Ward II position. 

No additional filings were submitted as of 5 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 2.

La Monte R-VI School District

The La Monte R-VI School District is accepting fillings for two positions on its Board of Education. Both are two-year terms.

Filings include incumbent BJ Breshears along with Leah Mahin and Ethan Perriguey. 

City of Green Ridge

The City of Green Ridge is accepting filings for two Aldpersons at Large. Terms are two years.

Incumbents Tony Turner and Dan Piscopo filed. 

Green Ridge R-VIII School District

The Green Ridge R-VII School District is accepting filings for two two-year terms for the Board of Education.

Incumbent Derik Larimore filed. Megan Cannon also filed. 

Incumbent Elizabeth Schleicher filed for an open one-year term. 

City of Smithton

The City of Smithton has one position open for East Ward City Alderman and one position open for West Ward City Alderman. Both positions are two-year terms.

No filing information has been submitted to the Democrat as of 5 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 2. 

Smithton R-VI School District

The Smithton R-VI School District has two three-year term positions open. 

Trisha Voelingen, Matthew Bahner and Jake Gieschen have filed. 

Pettis County R-V School District

There are two positions open for the Pettis County R-V School District Board of Education. Both are three-year terms.

Jerry W. Hunter, Leisha Anderson, Nick Ramey, Michael Arnett, Nathan Killion and Eddie Franke have filed. 

Pettis County R-XII School District

The Pettis County R-XII School District has two three-year terms available for its board of education. 

Incumbent Addison Eckles filed along with Matthew Karbinas. 

A one-year term is also available. 

Brianna Murray filed. 

Pettis County Ambulance District 1

The Pettis County Ambulance District 1 Director is up for election. 

Incumbent Nick Gerke, Smithton, filed. 

Pettis County Ambulance District 2 

The Pettis County ambulance District 2 Director is up for election. 

Incumbent Kim Graves, Sedalia ffiled. She faces opposition rom David Fisher, Sedalia. 

Pettis County Health Center Board of Trustees

There are three positions open for the Pettis County Board of Trustees. Positions are a four-year term.

Nicolas Reece, Sedalia; Donald "Dino" Ward, Sedalia; Kyle Yarber, Sedalia; Adam Gerke, Smithton; Dale Garrett, Sedalia and Channelle Ream, Sedalia have filed.