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Contact Us

Phone: 660-826-1000

Circulation: 417-777-9772

Address: 111 W. Fourth St., Sedalia, MO 65301

The Democrat is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Circulation: circulation@sedaliademocrat.com

Classified: classifieds@sedaliademocrat.com

Advertising: advertising@sedaliademocrat.com

Marketing Agency Sales Consultant:  michelen@sedaliademocrat.com

Newsroom: news@sedaliademocrat.com

Newsroom-Sports: sports@sedaliademocrat.com

Obituaries: obits@sedaliademocrat.com

Meet the staff

Jamila Khalil


Jamila Khalil is the publisher of the Sedalia Democrat and the Warrensburg Star-Journal, overseeing the papers' operations. She joined the Democrat staff in May 2023. Khalil has worked for a number of news organizations, including newspapers in St. Louis, Anchorage, Alaska, Los Angeles, Fayetteville, North Carolina, Kingman, Arizona, and most recently, Las Cruces, New Mexico. Her roles ranged from account executive for national advertising customers to sales manager, advertising director, and publisher.


Joe Andrews

Interim Managing Editor

Joe Andrews is the interim managing editor of the Sedalia Democrat and Warrensburg Star-Journal. Joe officially joined the Democrat newsroom in July 2024, but has contributed to the paper as the Star-Journal's sports editor since January 2021. He is an award-winning journalist and has received several awards from the Missouri Press Association. Joe previously worked as a sports writer for the St.


Jack Denebeim

Sports Editor

Jack Denebeim is the sports editor for the Sedalia Democrat, covering games and sports features in Sedalia and Pettis County and surrounding areas. Jack has been with the Democrat since February 2024. He graduated from the University of Kansas in 2023 and previously worked as a sports editor and sports reporter for the Eudora Times from 2022-23.


Chris Howell


Chris Howell is a reporter for the Sedalia Democrat, primarily covering city and county government, crime, and business. He also assists with community event and feature coverage. Chris is an award-winning reporter, receiving multiple awards from the Missouri Press Association, and has been with the Democrat since February 2021.


Nikki Monsees

Customer Service Manager

Nikki Monsees is the Customer Service Manager for the Sedalia Democrat. Nikki had been a Classified Advertising Advisor for seven years, and rejoined the Democrat in January 2013, assisting businesses in East Sedalia with their advertising needs. In October 2014, Nikki joined the Circulation Department as the department manager and most recently combined Circulation and Classifieds departments. She also oversees customer service for the Warrensburg Star-Journal, which the Democrat purchased in 2020. She will be happy to assist customers with any needs or concerns regarding newspaper delivery or classified ads.


Linda Gosnell

Customer Service Clerk

Linda Gosnell has been with the Sedalia Democrat since July 1971 and began also working for the Warrensburg Star-Journal when the Democrat took over ownership in 2020. Contact Linda for any circulation concerns regarding your subscription or to place your classified ad.


Celeste Forsman

Customer Service Clerk

Celeste Forsman has been with the Democrat since October 2018 and began also working for the Warrensburg Star-Journal when the Democrat took over ownership in 2020. Contact Celeste for any circulation concerns regarding your subscription or to place your classified ad.


Michele Newton

Advertising Assistant

Michele Newton is an Advertising Assistant for the Sedalia Democrat and the Plainsman. As a valued member of the sales team, Michele works with her team members to ensure the accuracy of their ads as well as working with house and national advertisers for all publications. Michele also assists the publisher in sales tracking and promotions. She has been with the Democrat since 2021. 


Vanessa Schardan

Sales Consultant

Vanessa Schardan is a sales consultant for the Sedalia Democrat and the Plainsman. Vanessa has worked for the Democrat since April 2024, primarily helping customers in Pettis, Benton and Morgan counties.


Sheana Reed

Sales Consultant

Sheana Reed is a sales consultant for the Sedalia Democrat and the Plainsman. Sheana has worked for the Democrat since July 2024, primarily helping customers in Sedalia.
