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Club Notes for May 21


Community Retired Teachers Association

The Community Retired Teachers Association met May 15 at Christ & Trinity Lutheran Church.

Kathleen Boswell was the guest speaker. She showed photographs and talked about the people she ministered to in Wroclaw, Poland. She also met with the Wroclaw Rotary Club and presented them with a gift from the Sedalia Rotary Club.

During the business meeting, plans were made to attend the Region 5 meeting June 4 in Higginsville. Jeanne Curry read the secretary's minutes for April, which were approved. Volunteer hours and donations were listed. The next meeting will be June 19 at the church. All retired school personnel are invited to attend.

Ringen Brushy 4-H

Thirty-one members and four officers gathered for the regular monthly meeting of the Ringen Brushy 4-H Club on May 15 at the Smithton school cafeteria.

The roll call question was “What’s your favorite animal?”

The meeting was called to order by Buzz Harris, president, and the minutes were recorded by Josie Peck, secretary. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The treasurer's report was read and approved.

Old Business:

The club voted to pay $45 toward camp, congress and conference (Cindy will reimburse if any of your youth signed up).

New Business:

Project meeting reports were discussed. RJ Asbury and Maecy North had a sheep meeting, where they sheared their sheep.

The demonstrations included Hallie Peck, how to dutch braid; Leah Thompson, how to make a loom bracelet; and Buss Harris, how to care for rabbits.

Demonstrations for June will include Grant Amos and Lily Atcheson.

The next meeting will be at 6 p.m. June 12 at the Ringen Brushy schoolhouse. The club will provide hotdogs and buns for the barbecue.

A motion was made to ride in the Smithton parade on July 12. Members tabled the discussion on what fundraiser they will do at the Smithton Fair July 12-13.

Sheila Amos announced that the club made 68 burp cloths, baby washcloths, six baby blankets, and two doggie blankets for the March community service project.


Future meetings will be July 12 at the Ringen Brushy schoolhouse.

Cindy announced to make sure to watch out for the newsletter for upcoming countywide project meeting dates.