To have your event or meeting listed, send details to or call 660-826-1000.
Noon and 7 p.m.: Alcoholic Anonymous 12x12 Non-smoking group, Sunday through Saturday; at 417 E. Pettis St., 660-310-9922,
1:30 to 2:30 p.m.: Open Door Soup Kitchen, 417 W. Pettis St. Call 660-827-1613.
2 p.m.: American Legion Post 520 will host a Memorial Day Celebration at the La Monte Cemetery. All are welcome.
2 p.m.: Hughesville High Point Cemetery Association annual meeting at the cemetery on Highway D in Hughesville.
7 p.m.: Narcotics Anonymous Because We Care and 7:30 p.m. Wednesday at First Christian Church, 200 S. Limit Ave. For more information, call 660-221-2221.
8 a.m.: Courthouse Prayer Group meets on the lawn of the Pettis County Courthouse, Monday through Friday. During the winter months, the group meets at Panera.
10 a.m.: Show-Me Mad Tatters at University Extension Office Conference Room, 1012A Thompson Blvd.
10 a.m.: Local veterans organizations will host a Memorial Day ceremony at Crown Hill Cemetery, 701 N. Engineer Ave. in Sedalia.
11:30 a.m.: Mt. Herman Cemetery Association Memorial Day celebration and membership meeting at 25229 Mount Herman Road. All are welcome and asked to bring a covered dish or dessert.
11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.: Open Door Soup Kitchen, 417 W. Pettis St. Call 660-827-1613.
Noon: Sedalia Rotary Club, Best Western State Fair Inn, 3120 S. Limit Ave.
1:45 p.m.: TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Chapter 0102 Sedalia meets at the Boonslick Regional Library, 219 W. Third St., in the lower level meeting room. All are welcome to attend. The first meeting is free. Call 660-525-4142.
6 p.m.: Cornerstone Celebrate Recovery. A Bible-based 12-step program for Hurts, Habits and Hangups; large group meeting at 7 p.m., small groups at 8 p.m. Meal and child care provided. Cornerstone Baptist Church, 660-827-4833.
6 p.m.: DeFeet has a general meeting open to the public at First Christian Church, 200 S. Limit Ave. For more information, contact, visit, or message the DeFeet Facebook page.
6 p.m.: Smithton Senior Citizens Group Pitch and Pool at Smithton Senior Center on Washington Street.
6:30 p.m.: Show Me Sound, Sweet Adelines International, rehearsals at Wesley United Methodist Church basement, 1322 W. Broadway Blvd. All women who like to sing are welcome. For more information, call 660-851-2205.
6:30 p.m.: Mid-Missouri Photo Club at St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Cole Camp.
7 p.m.: Pettis County Historical Society, 228 Dundee Ave.
7 p.m.: Father Tony Kraff Assembly of Knights of Columbus, Knights Hall, 1708 Elm Hills Blvd.
7 p.m.: West Central Missouri Genealogical Society at the Culp Building at the Johnson County Historical Society on Main Street in Warrensburg.
7 p.m.: Al Anon at 417 W. Pettis St. For more information, call 660-473-0855
7 p.m.: Celebrate Recovery and Outreach 12-step Christ-centered Bible-based program for hurts, habits or hang-ups. Cornerstone Baptist Church, 19856 state Route Y.
7 p.m.: Sedalia Chorale Rehearsal in rehearsal room 67 in the Stauffacher Center at State Fair Community College.
8 a.m.: Central MO Business Builders (BNI) at Heckart Family Center, 903 S. Ohio Ave.
11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.: Open Door Soup Kitchen, 417 W. Pettis St. Call 660-827-1613.
Noon: Sedalia Optimist Club in Room C at the Heckart Community Center, 1800 W. Third St.
Noon: Flat Creek Family and Community Club, for luncheon. Call 660-827-0591 for location information.
12:30 to 4:30 p.m.: Birthright Pregnancy Center, 1810 W. 11th St., Tuesday through Friday and other hours by appointment. The office number is 660-826-9060.
3 to 6 p.m.: Sedalia Area Farmers’ Market in Nucor Pavilion on Missouri State Fairgrounds by Centennial Gate along South Limit Avenue.
6 p.m.: NarAnon meetings at LifePointe Church, 2921 W. Broadway Blvd.
6 p.m.: Sedalia Runners Club at Smith-Cotton Track.
6:30 p.m.: Celebrate Recovery and Outreach 12-step Christ-centered Bible-based program for hurts, habits or hang-ups at River Church, 28863 Commercial Ave. in Warsaw.
7 p.m.: Co-Dependents Anonymous (CoDA) is a 12-step fellowship of men and women whose common purpose is recovery from co-dependence at the First United Methodist Church Celebration Center, 1701 W. 32nd St. For more information, call Barbara at 660-827-6522.
7 p.m.: Celebrate Recovery 12-step faith-based recovery for hurts, habits and hang-ups at Crossroads Family Worship Church of God, corner of Ninth Street and Madison Avenue.
7 p.m.: Women of the Moose at the lodge, 119 Winchester Drive.
7 p.m.: Mozarkite Society of Lincoln Inc., Rock, Gem and Mineral Club, First Christian Church, 200 S. Limit Ave. Use southeast entrance; visitors welcome.
7 p.m.: OIC Studios will present the SpoFest writing prompt/open mic event via Zoom, Facebook and OIC Radio. Signup and event guidelines at
7:30 p.m.: Sedalia Chapter 57, Order of the Eastern Star, Masonic Temple, 601 W. Broadway Blvd.
10 a.m.: TOPS (Take off Pounds Sensibly) Chapter 958, Wesley United Methodist Church, 1322 W. Broadway. First visit is free; 816-916-6237.
11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.: Open Door Soup Kitchen, 417 W. Pettis St. Call 660-827-1613.
Noon: Sedalia Lions Club, Heckart Community Center, 1800 W. Third St.
5:30 p.m.: Amigos de Cristo, Teen Mom Classes at 3003 W. 11th St., 660-826-2788.
11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.: Open Door Soup Kitchen, 417 W. Pettis St. Call 660-827-1613.
Noon: Kiwanis of Sedalia at Lamy’s, 108 Pacific St.
1 p.m.: Sedalia Duplicate Bridge Club at First Christian Church, 200 S. Limit Ave.
6 p.m.: Women in Crisis Group. Call 660-827-5555 for location.
6:30 p.m.: Sedalia Cadet Squadron Civil Air Patrol at Civil Air Patrol building, U.S. Highway 50.
7 p.m.: Sedalia Bible Academy at Boonslick Regional Library, 219 W. Third St. For more information, call 660-826-9988. Free and open to the public.
7 p.m.: Fraternal Order of Eagles No. 4286, Lincoln.
7 p.m.: Mid-Missouri Artists at Warrensburg Community Center, 445 E. Gay St.
11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.: Open Door Soup Kitchen, 417 W. Pettis St. Call 660-827-1613.
Noon: Pettis County Pachyderms in Room C at the Heckart Community Center, 1800 W. Third St.
3 to 6 p.m.: Sedalia Area Farmers’ Market, in Nucor Pavilion on Missouri State Fairgrounds by Centennial Gate along South Limit Avenue.
6 p.m.: Boonslick Regional Library Cole Camp Branch hosts Pizza & Game Night Summer Kick-Off. Early registration for Summer Programs will be available. This is a free event for all ages.
7 a.m.: Sedalia Runners Club-Group Run every Saturday at Clarendon Road and Katy Trail.
7 to 10 a.m.: Shrine Breakfast, Sedalia Shrine Club, 1615 Elm Hills Blvd. Cost is $10.
8:30 a.m.: SPARK (Sedalia/Pettis Amateur Radio Club) Repeater Club outside during warm weather or at EMA Building, 1511 N. Ohio Ave.
11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.: Open Door Soup Kitchen, 417 W. Pettis St. Call 660-827-1613.
1 to 4 p.m.: The Pettis County Museum and Historical Society is free and open for guests, 228 Dundee Ave.
5 p.m.: Fundraiser for Brooke Rieckhoff, diagnosed with stage 3 ALCL lymphoma. Dinner is at 5 p.m. and the live auction starts at 6:30 p.m. at The Tiki, 19003 Highway Y in Sedalia. For more information, call 660-221-0336 or 660-221-1412.
5 to 8 p.m.: Family Night at the Cole Camp Library. Tabletop Gaming, VR games and experiences, family escape room games and full access to the library after hours. Light refreshments provided. Call 660-668-3887 for reservations.
7 p.m.: Celebrate Recovery 12-step Christ-centered, Bible-based program for hurts, habits and hang-ups. New Hope Baptist Church, 664 E. 16th St. Sedalia.