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Cooling shelter gives relief from midday heat


With recent temperatures in the Sedalia area consistently reaching dangerous levels, the Open Door Service Center has opened a “cooling shelter.” The shelter allows for a break from the midday heat for the center’s patrons and anyone else needing an escape from the summer temperatures.

Pettis County has been under a heat advisory nearly all week, and the current advisory extends until 8 p.m. Sunday, July 24. Heat index values of up to 106 are expected across West Central Missouri during the advisory.

“Temperatures started getting up into that three-digit heat index,” Kirk Martin, President of the Board for Open Door, said. “So, because of some of the policies that are going around town, we at the last minute decided we should do that to provide relief. It’s a spur of the moment kind of deal.”

Normally, the cooling shelter is not as much of a need in the Sedalia community. However, according to feedback Martin and others heard, it seems some doors might not be as open as they used to be.

“What really changed is the people that are patrons of the kitchen, the community cafe and our pantry services are telling us that usually they could get in a place like a library or a grocery store and just wander around, and they’re pretty much not letting them do that,” Martin said. “So, because of that being relayed back to us, we decided we ought to provide a place for people to get out of the elements when it gets that hot.”

The cooling shelter is open between serving times of the Open Door noon meal and when Community Cafe’s evening meal wraps up. Martin estimates that to be from around 11:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

“We’re just providing that midday relief,” Martin said. “Yesterday [July 21] we had about six people.”

According to Martin, the cooling shelter is only open on days when it is expected to reach highs above 95 degrees.

“It doesn’t matter if it’s Sunday or Tuesday,” Martin said. “If the temperature’s above 95 degrees, we’ll be open.”

Open Door Service Center is located at 111 W. Sixth St. in Sedalia. For more information, call 660-827-1613.