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Livestock market report Nov. 17


Windsor livestock auction market report for Nov. 11

Receipts, 2,321 HD; 13% cows. Compared to last week, all classes of steers and heifers sold mostly steady to spots up to $8 higher. Weigh cows sold mostly steady to weak.

Steers medium and large frame, 300 to 400 pounds, $163 to $184; 400 to 500 pounds, $157 to $179.50; 500 to 600 pounds, $143 to $171; 600 to 700 pounds, $137 to $154.50; 700 to 800 pounds, $129 to $154; 800 to 900 pounds, $123 to $143.

Small frame or fleshy steers and bulls, 400 to 700 pounds, $121 to $151.

Heifers medium and large frame No 1, 300 to 400 pounds, $138 to $163; 400 to 500 pounds, $134 to $159.50; 500 to 600 pounds, $128 to $151; 600 to 700 pounds, $123 to $145.85; 700 to 800 pounds, 112 to $146.25; 800 to 900 pounds, $108 to $132.

Small frame or fleshy heifers, 400 to 700 pounds, 97 to $138.

Weigh cows bulk, $53 to $59.50; high dressing, $58 to $64.50; low dressing, $44 back; bulls bulk, $78 to 86.50.

Rep. sales: 15 black steers, 438 pounds, $179.50; 21 black steers, 508 pounds, $171; 27 black steers, 576 pounds, $161; 24 black/white faced steers, 621 pounds, $154.50; 72 black steers, 733 pounds, $154; 31 mixed steers, 789 pounds, $147.50; 15 black steers, 813 pounds, $143.

41 mixed heifers, 622 pounds, $144.75; 25 black/white faced heifers, 623 pounds, $145.85; 62 black/whited face heifers, 753 pounds, $142.50; 76 black/whited face heifers, 696 pounds, $146.