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Dear editor,  more
This morning when I woke up, I vaguely remembered a dream about my childhood that I had during the night, and it made made me think about how different my dreams are now when compared to the ones I had when I was a kid. more
I remember going to a lot of parades as a kid in rural Illinois. In truth, it was probably only one or two a year, but in my memories it seems like they were happening all the time. more
All over the countryside there are fields of cornstalks and soybeans that are turning from vibrant green to golden yellow to brown. more
As I sit at my computer, my mind is cascading, but my fingers are frozen. Okay, not frozen. After all, words are appearing on the page, and they didn’t get there by mental telepathy. more
I thought empty nesting would be more peaceful. But as soon as the kids moved to college last month, a war broke out on the home front. more
In 1895-1896, Sedalia businessman E.G. Cassidy hired contractor Edward Hurley to erect a three-story building at 219-221-223 S. Ohio Avenue. The Katie Building became one of Sedalia’s most prominent business blocks, producing $500 per month in rent. more
Congress couldn’t pass a new farm bill last year, so it punted. The extension of the old bill ends in less than a month, on Sept. 30. It will likely miss that deadline, too, an unprecedented two-year delay. more
The other day I heard a friend describe me as portly to another friend, and I know other people may use less attractive words in their comments on my physique. more
From the August 30 edition of the Sedalia Democrat: “At approximately 1 a.m. Friday, Aug. 30, Pettis County Sheriffs Office deputies were dispatched to the area near Anderson School Road and Shire Lane for a single vehicle accident called in by a passerby. more
This month’s article is a continuation of last months. Space limitations did not allow me to complete the article. Hopefully you had a chance to stop by the Missouri Wine Tent at the State Fair. more
Today, I respond to Doug Kneibert’s column regarding Amendment 3, which would enshrine the ability for a doctor to prescribe the best treatment for a patient, even if that treatment is anything that is otherwise called “abortion.” Mr. Kneibert seems to think things are always black and white. I, on the other hand, don’t see life, or “abortion,” that way. more
After freelancing for 16 years and writing full-time for the Sedalia Democrat for over 11 years, it’s with a bitter-sweet note that I’m hanging up my full-time career on Friday, Sept. 6. more
It has never happened before and will probably never happen again. But it happened once, and it was thrilling. more
During the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the businessman most glorified by the press in both non-fiction and fiction was not the man who inherited his factories and his wealth from his little and built a successful business through hard work. more
Pro-life Americans have been around for more than half a century. What is it that gives them such staying power? more
Being civil seems like the bare minimum of what we owe each other, yet studies show that incivility is on the rise in our country. more
When I’ve been lax in the exercise department and realize I’m not getting any younger, I go back to my first choice of physical activity: yoga. more
Few topics have enjoyed social ascendancy in recent years more than mental health. Though once disparaged and stigmatized, counseling has become not only normalized, but also encouraged in our society. In an increasingly accepting society to counseling, we would be wise to consider what the Bible has to say about mental health. more
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