Two pieces of Sedalia history were destroyed in the past few weeks. The response to these has to be different.
By Rhonda Chalfant
Contributing Columnist
Which musical composition has continued to be performed every year since its premier 283 years ago? My headline tells you the answer. It’s the “Messiah,” by George Frederic Handel.
By Doug Kneibert
Contributing Columnists
I write this in the quiet, on a dank, gray Christmas morning, made bright by the lights on a Christmas tree and by the thoughts of what is to come. Soon, everyone in the house will be awake, and we will begin cooking for the feast this afternoon. We began preparations last night, after the Christmas Eve church service and after a lovely get-together at the home of some of the church members who thoughtfully invited us to the festivities, but around midnight, we gave up the ghost.
By Deborah Mitchell
Contributing Columnist
I get it. You’ve been force-fed Christmas songs for three months now. If you’re like me, you heard your first one of the season while scanning Halloween candy in the self-check aisle. I like Christmas music--but come on. Let me enjoy the fall holidays before I think about bells on bobtails or anywhere else.
By Debbie Noland
Guest Columnist
Christmas Eve is here, and it won't be long before many people start thinking about making a New Year's resolution.
By Faith Bemiss-McKinney
Contributing Columnist
Earlier this week my kids beat me at poker. No money changed hands, other than colored plastic chips. But the bragging rights will last a while, at least until next December. Our college-aged kids taught us how to play Texas Hold ‘em this year. We ordered cheap pizza and listened to Kenny Rogers sing “The Gambler” while we played.
By Gwen Rockwood
Syndicated Columnist
Whenever I have told my grandchildren that my family did not have a television set when I was growing up, they look at me in disbelief.
By Jack Miller
Contributing Columnist
A poem by nineteenth century poet Emily Dickenson says, “Tell all the truth but tell it slant.”
By Rhonda Chalfant
Contributing Columnist
As we approach the end of the year, we typically display the best books of 2024 (according to Goodreads Choice Awards). They break down the top books for the year by genre, so no matter what kind of books you like to read, you can find the most popular titles.
By Jamie Sparks
Director of the Sedalia Public Library
Damask tablecloths. Matching candles. Fine china. Perfect Christmas trees adorned with matching ornaments. Quiet classical music. Formal clothes and a formal dinner. Wine and cheese.
By Liz Schleicher
Contributing Columnist
I once saw a family photo zoomed in for an Instagram picture. The hashtag included live authentic, blessed, life is good, family first, and such sweet kids. Everything looked perfect; the family was nicely dressed, the tree looked beautiful behind them, and everyone was smiling. Outside of that perfect picture for Instagram, there was a child screaming and crying, a mess all over the place, and a curtain rod pulled down, among other issues. The picture did not match what was happening, and looks can be deceiving. Why do we feel we need to look perfect and try to impress other people? Why can we not just be who God created us to be?
By Bob Wauchope
Lead Pastor at Maplewood Church
At the turn of the nineteenth to the twentieth century, Sedalia, the “Queen City of the Prairies,” thought highly of itself.
By Rhonda Chalfant
Contributing Columnist
If you want to get an older person talking, just ask them about their grandchildren. I have never met a grandparent who would not want to talk about their grandchildren.
By Jack Miller
Contributing Columnist
December is the darkest month. It is at least for me.
By Faith Bemiss-McKinney
Contributing Columnist
Carnivore. Atkins. Raw food. Paleo. Ketogenic. Vegan. Ayurveda.
By Liz Schleicher
Contributing Columnist
A quiet revolution has been going on for some time in the field of nursing, and Bothwell Regional Health Center is in the thick of it.
By Doug Kneibert
Contributing Columnist
I think I know every verse of every Christmas carol ever written. The day after Thanksgiving, mother started playing the Mario Lanza Christmas album over and over on our Philco cabinet stereo, and he sang all the verses of each song.
By Deborah Mitchell
Contributing Columnist
Sedalia at the turn of the nineteenth century was a city of contradictions.
By Rhonda Chalfant
Contributing Columnist
As I sat soaking in my walk-in bathtub the other night, I started thinking about how the simple act of bathing has changed over the years; at least for me.
By Jack Miller
Contributing Columnist
If you’re not feeling delightful this December -- often called “the most wonderful time of the year” – you’re not alone. It’s been a hard year for millions of people in many ways. You’re not required to fall in line with the holly jolly hustle of the season.
By Gwen Rockwood
Syndicated Columnist