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I'm good at some things — like making a paper projectile out of a straw's wrapper, swatting a fly with one targeted strike, and quoting lines from reruns of sitcoms. Thanks to excellent teachers, I also have a few academic skills, like knowing when to use "who" or "whom" in any given sentence and where apostrophes should and shouldn't be. more
BENTONVILLE, Ark. — While planning holiday family excursions, one might try visiting Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art in Bentonville, Arkansas. more
When you look at the calendar, it is clear the “holiday sprint” is about to begin. There are groceries to buy, events to plan for Thanksgiving, and children everywhere are drawing up their Christmas lists. Squeeze in the upcoming Missouri Farm Bureau Annual Meeting from December 8-10 at the Lake of the Ozarks, and it seems like the pages are getting ripped off the daily calendar at an extraordinary rate. more
My husband and I were two of the 108 million people who tuned in for the Mike Tyson vs. Jake Paul boxing match on Nov. 15. more
If you have not read “James,” I recommend that you do. more
Winter cold and wind are soon going to be upon us. Wind chill values are a usual part of any winter weather forecast. Wind chill also impacts livestock, so developing some type of wind protection is beneficial to the performance and well-being of the animals we care for. more
The members of Company D of the Second Regiment of the Missouri National Guard were called to duty in April 1898, after the United States declared war on Spain. The men of Company D were sent to Jefferson Barracks near St. Louis for evaluation and training. more
It has happened to me again; when I was at the bank the other day the nice lady teller who was waiting on me seemed to be having some trouble identifying me. more
The drubbing Democrats took Nov. 5 — losing both the presidency and the Senate (Republicans held the House) — began with the party’s ticket. more
Dear readers: more
A recent visit with former Sedalian Colter Jackson, now a children's author and illustrator, made me fall in love with our local library again. more
The cookbooks are out. The tried and true recipes are marked – and even a couple of new ones. more
Recently, I have been reflecting on my stage of life. I have been happily married to my high school sweetheart for the last 28 years. I have two wonderful kids who are married to great spouses who love them. I have three grandkids who are a daily blessing. more
In 1898 when troops were called after the U.S. declared war on Spain in an attempt to help Cuba, Puerto Rico, and other Caribbean islands gain freedom from Spanish control, Sedalia’s Second Regiment, a National Guard Unit, volunteered. They were sent to Jefferson Barracks near St. Louis for training, drill, and medical evaluation. more
As some of the people who read my columns might remember my wife and I lived in the country most of our married life and moved into Sedalia less than five years ago. more
The interstate that connects my town to neighboring towns is under construction. It's going from two lanes to a much needed three. But during the road's growing pains, construction workers have erected a concrete barrier that runs along the left-hand side of the road right next to the yellow boundary line. And that short but solid wall? It scares me. more
As early as 1880 the idea of combining American Bison (Buffalo) with a bovine breed (cattle) was in the minds of some early cattle ranchers. With bodies perfectly adapted to the environment, Bison herds as far as the eye could see flourished with absolutely no human care or intervention. more
As I enter my eighth decade, I should expect the sadness that comes with everyone else’s getting older along with me. Until now, the people who have touched my life and have departed this earth have been a generation older – or more – than I. more
As you read this, the warming shelter of Pettis County hosted at St Patrick chapel of St. Vincent de Paul parish is working on securing enough volunteers from the entire Pettis County Community. more
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