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December is the darkest month. It is at least for me. more
Carnivore. Atkins. Raw food. Paleo. Ketogenic. Vegan. Ayurveda. more
A quiet revolution has been going on for some time in the field of nursing, and Bothwell Regional Health Center is in the thick of it. more
I think I know every verse of every Christmas carol ever written. The day after Thanksgiving, mother started playing the Mario Lanza Christmas album over and over on our Philco cabinet stereo, and he sang all the verses of each song. more
Sedalia at the turn of the nineteenth century was a city of contradictions. more
As I sat soaking in my walk-in bathtub the other night, I started thinking about how the simple act of bathing has changed over the years; at least for me. more
If you’re not feeling delightful this December -- often called “the most wonderful time of the year” – you’re not alone. It’s been a hard year for millions of people in many ways. You’re not required to fall in line with the holly jolly hustle of the season. more
The season of hustle and bustle is upon us. Because of how the calendar falls this year, Christmas is but two-and-a-half weeks away – just enough time for me to get all the décor up from the basement, put it up, and take it down. more
You know the phenomenon wherein you see something once, and then suddenly you are seeing it everywhere? Well, it’s happening to me. Multiple times this Advent I’ve seen someone complaining bitterly about a child’s Christmas list. more
Seems like just a few short weeks ago we were taking down our Halloween decorations. The Reese’s peanut butter cups and Kit Kats were consumed, and we were packing up the witches and goblins. It was November 1st, and admit it, you wanted to put up the Christmas tree and the mistletoe. Well, it’s finally time to bring out the Santas and the Reindeer. We’ve got another Thanksgiving under our belt, the belt admittedly, we had to loosen after the turkey, the dressing and the pumpkin pie. more
I really do love words. For me, they've always been like magic. As a shy kid, I felt so fenced in by fear of nearly everything, but putting words on paper set me free. No pressure, no time limits, no judgment. more
Author’s note: Much of the information about Charles Yeater in this column comes from William B. Claycomb’s book Pettis County: A Pictorial History. more
The holidays are not just a time to gain weight; they are also a time to build great memories. I have accumulated a lot of those good holiday memories, and at this time of the years they come rushing back to me. more
It appears that whether one supports or opposes abortion may depend on where one lives in Missouri. more
Author's note: This column originally ran in the Sedalia Democrat in November 2019. more
By the time you read this, Hue the Cat will have had a rude awakening. Hordes of people will have descended on the house, disrupting her calm and predictable life. She will have had to hide from tiny people, all of whom will want to touch her silky, black coat, and (horror of horrors) will want to pick her up, holding her close to their hot little bodies. more
EUREKA SPRINGS, Ark. — If you are looking for a special place to visit for the holidays, we found our happy place at Eureka Springs, Arkansas, last week, Nov. 20-24. more
I am now at an age where, like others, I have experienced several deaths of people I care for. All four of my grandparents, my father, two cousins tragically in car accidents, family, friends, and some who have significantly impacted my life. more
I may have made a mistake when I started feeding one of the neighborhood cats that came to my back porch, because now there are three and sometimes four cats waiting for me each morning. more
When the United States declared war on Spain in 1898, the fighting extended beyond Spain’s territories in the Caribbean. Most Sedalians were at least somewhat familiar with Cuba and Puerto Rico. more
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